If you are new to this blog, please start with 1 (Intro) and then continue in order. Mystery 1. made known to Paul by revelation v3 2. Paul had insight into the mystery of Christ v4 3. was not made known to the sons of men in other generations as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit v5 4. is that the Gentiles are 1) fellow heirs v6 2)members of the same body 3)partakers of the promise -in Christ Jesus -through the gospel v6 5. Paul was to bring to light for everyone the plan of the mystery v9 6. hidden for ages in God v9 Gentiles 1. Paul was imprisoned for them v1 2. God's grace was given to Paul for them v2 3. are fellow heirs v6 4. are members of the same body 5. are partakers of the promise -in Christ Jesus -through the gospel 6. Paul was given the grace to preach to them the unsearchable riches of Christ v8 And here are some more of the key words I have been marking: ...