If you are new to this blog, please start with 1 (Intro) and then continue in order.
Before each day's work, pray and ask God to open your eyes to his truth through his Holy Spirit. Ask for his leading and guidance.
Also, as you read, stop to praise God for things,
thank God for things,
confess sin,
or ask for help to be like the example you see in the scriptures.
Just generally talk to God about what you are reading about!
Read chapters 1 and 2 and look for key words that are repeated. Pick 2 and then mark them distinctly on your manuscript in chapters 1 and 2. Praise God for something about him in the passage.
Mark grace and peace distinctly in chapters 1 and 2 if you didn't already. I circled grace in orange and put blue waves under peace (as in peace like a river😀 ), but you can mark them however you'd like. If grace and peace are what you marked, feel free to look for other repeated words to mark.
Paul prays for the Ephesians in 1:15-23. List his petitions (what does he pray for them?).
Write down what it says that God did to/for Jesus in verses 20-23.
Before each day's work, pray and ask God to open your eyes to his truth through his Holy Spirit. Ask for his leading and guidance.
Also, as you read, stop to praise God for things,
thank God for things,
confess sin,
or ask for help to be like the example you see in the scriptures.
Just generally talk to God about what you are reading about!
Read chapters 1 and 2 and look for key words that are repeated. Pick 2 and then mark them distinctly on your manuscript in chapters 1 and 2. Praise God for something about him in the passage.
Mark grace and peace distinctly in chapters 1 and 2 if you didn't already. I circled grace in orange and put blue waves under peace (as in peace like a river😀 ), but you can mark them however you'd like. If grace and peace are what you marked, feel free to look for other repeated words to mark.
Paul prays for the Ephesians in 1:15-23. List his petitions (what does he pray for them?).
Write down what it says that God did to/for Jesus in verses 20-23.
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