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Once again, these are not necessarily the right answers, just my observations. You may have more or less. Feel free to comment with questions.
Big Picture Contrast
but in v4
You were dead in your trespasses and sins (from v 1 and 5) but God has made you alive.
but in v13
You Gentiles (v11) were separated from Christ (v12) but now have been brought near by the blood of Christ (13)
Before and After Christ
1. you were dead 1, 5
2. in trespasses and sins 1,5
3. following the course of this world 2
4. following the prince of the power of the air 2
5. lived in passions of our flesh 3
6. carried out desires of body and mind 3
7. were by nature children of wrath
8. dead in trespasses 5
1. made us alive together with Christ 5
2. raised us up with him 6
3. seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus
Gentiles before and after Christ
Before Christ
1. separated from Christ (12)
2. alienated from the commonwealth of Israel
3. strangers to the covenants of promise
4. having no hope
5. without God in the world
6. far off (13)
7. strangers and aliens (19)
In Christ
1. have been brought near (13)
2. reconciled to God (16)
3. access to the Father (18)
4. fellow citizens with the saints (19)
5. members of the household of God
Once again, these are not necessarily the right answers, just my observations. You may have more or less. Feel free to comment with questions.
Big Picture Contrast
but in v4
You were dead in your trespasses and sins (from v 1 and 5) but God has made you alive.
but in v13
You Gentiles (v11) were separated from Christ (v12) but now have been brought near by the blood of Christ (13)
Before and After Christ
1. you were dead 1, 5
2. in trespasses and sins 1,5
3. following the course of this world 2
4. following the prince of the power of the air 2
5. lived in passions of our flesh 3
6. carried out desires of body and mind 3
7. were by nature children of wrath
8. dead in trespasses 5
1. made us alive together with Christ 5
2. raised us up with him 6
3. seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus
Gentiles before and after Christ
Before Christ
1. separated from Christ (12)
2. alienated from the commonwealth of Israel
3. strangers to the covenants of promise
4. having no hope
5. without God in the world
6. far off (13)
7. strangers and aliens (19)
In Christ
1. have been brought near (13)
2. reconciled to God (16)
3. access to the Father (18)
4. fellow citizens with the saints (19)
5. members of the household of God
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