If you are new to this blog, I encourage you to start with Intro [1] and then continue in order.
Well, we are almost done with Ephesians - only two sections left! I know it has been a lot of work, but hopefully you have seen some of the benefits of digging into God's word. Don't quit yet, persevere to the end and get that good fruit that comes from studying diligently!
Now we move on to specific instructions for specific groups of people. So first of all, read through 5:22-6:9 and note all the different people Paul addresses. Mark them a certain way, if you would like.
1) List the commands Paul gives to wives and husbands and any reasons he gives for the commands.
2) How do verses 23 and 24 help to flesh out what it means for a wife to submit to her husband?
3) How does the comparison of Christ loving the church in verses 25-27 help us to understand how husbands are to love their wives?
4) Same question for 28-30 as above...
If you are a wife or husband, ask the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ to help you to obey His commands to you.
1) List the commands Paul gives to the different people in 6:1-9. Also write down any reasons Paul gives.
Pray about anything that struck you as you were studying.
2) What is the difference between obeying and honoring your parents?
3) Do you find both challenging? How?
Whether you are in a season of life where you are still called to obey and/or honor your parents, ask God to help you with this.
Make a list of anything we see about God or Jesus Christ in this section.
Praise God and Jesus for these things!
Well, we are almost done with Ephesians - only two sections left! I know it has been a lot of work, but hopefully you have seen some of the benefits of digging into God's word. Don't quit yet, persevere to the end and get that good fruit that comes from studying diligently!
Now we move on to specific instructions for specific groups of people. So first of all, read through 5:22-6:9 and note all the different people Paul addresses. Mark them a certain way, if you would like.
1) List the commands Paul gives to wives and husbands and any reasons he gives for the commands.
2) How do verses 23 and 24 help to flesh out what it means for a wife to submit to her husband?
3) How does the comparison of Christ loving the church in verses 25-27 help us to understand how husbands are to love their wives?
4) Same question for 28-30 as above...
If you are a wife or husband, ask the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ to help you to obey His commands to you.
1) List the commands Paul gives to the different people in 6:1-9. Also write down any reasons Paul gives.
Pray about anything that struck you as you were studying.
2) What is the difference between obeying and honoring your parents?
3) Do you find both challenging? How?
Whether you are in a season of life where you are still called to obey and/or honor your parents, ask God to help you with this.
Make a list of anything we see about God or Jesus Christ in this section.
Praise God and Jesus for these things!
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