If you are new to this blog, I encourage you to start with Intro [1] and then continue in order. This is in answer to Ephesians in Review at the end of Ephesians 6:10-24 THE LAST ONE!!! [23] . This study of Ephesians has been so rich for me. It was one of my favorite books of the Bible before I started, but I love it even more and understand it even better now. It has also amazed me how many opportunities God has given me to share from my time studying it. It seems like Ephesians relates to EVERYTHING! 1) When I started studying Ephesians this time, I was struck by the theme of unity. I found that it was all over the place, even when the word itself was not used (for more on unity, see my post, Unity Through and Through - Thoughts on Ephesians 4:1-16 [16] ). I was happy to receive confirmation of that when I read one of my pastor's sermons, and he said that unity was the main theme of Ephesians: "to unite all things in [Christ], things in heaven an...