If you are new to this blog, I encourage you to start with 1 (Intro) and then continue in order.
Pray and ask God to open your eyes to his truth through the Holy Spirit.
Read chapters 3 and 4. Mark any of your previous key words that appear in chapter 4.
In the beginning of chapter four, Paul urges the Ephesians to walk in a manner worthy of their calling. Make a list of how they are supposed to walk. Ask God to help you walk like this.
Write out all the "one"s in vv. 4-6. How many "one"s did you list? What do you think is the point of putting all the "one"s in front of all the words?
Write out the items in the list in verse 11. What is it a list of? How many items are on the list?
Verses 8-14 talk about Jesus giving gifts. What was the purpose/s of the gifts?
What are the desired results of these gifts? Do you think one of the results is the ultimate goal? If so which one?
Thank God for his plan or something you see in this section.
In Ephesians 2:20-22 Paul compares the saints (all Christians) to a building where Christ is the cornerstone and we are "being joined together" into a holy temple in the Lord. Describe to what Paul compares the saints in this section (4:1-16) including how it works and what it accomplishes.
Pray and praise God for something you learned/saw in this passage.
Pray and ask God to open your eyes to his truth through the Holy Spirit.
Read chapters 3 and 4. Mark any of your previous key words that appear in chapter 4.
In the beginning of chapter four, Paul urges the Ephesians to walk in a manner worthy of their calling. Make a list of how they are supposed to walk. Ask God to help you walk like this.
Write out all the "one"s in vv. 4-6. How many "one"s did you list? What do you think is the point of putting all the "one"s in front of all the words?
Write out the items in the list in verse 11. What is it a list of? How many items are on the list?
Verses 8-14 talk about Jesus giving gifts. What was the purpose/s of the gifts?
What are the desired results of these gifts? Do you think one of the results is the ultimate goal? If so which one?
Thank God for his plan or something you see in this section.
In Ephesians 2:20-22 Paul compares the saints (all Christians) to a building where Christ is the cornerstone and we are "being joined together" into a holy temple in the Lord. Describe to what Paul compares the saints in this section (4:1-16) including how it works and what it accomplishes.
Pray and praise God for something you learned/saw in this passage.
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